Experience unparalleled relaxation and rejuvenation with our expertly curated treatments, designed to restore balance and leave you revitalized.

General FAQ's

Where do I park?

Unfortunately, we do not have designated areas for parking. However, you can pay to park in the streets in front of us. You can also park for free for up to 2 hours at the Percival Landing Parking lot to the north of us along the boardwalk. Be sure to pay your meter through the app if you are parking Tues-Fri 8am-5pm though! Street parking is free after 5 and on weekends and holidays.

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What should I wear?

Come wearing whatever you need to be wearing for your day. All but 2 of our treatments allow you to wear your clothes except for shoes. The cryotherapy unit and infrared light therapy pod only require underwear.

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Can I do more than one treatment per visit?

Absolutely! We suggest it! You can mix and match any of the treatments we have to offer. We always suggest starting with hot treatments and end with cold for the most benefits. We offer multiple packages to get the best deals for multiple sessions. My favorite is to do the salt therapy sauna, infrared light therapy pod, then end with a cryo session. Best way to spend a lunch hour!

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Can my child do a treatment?

Yes! Children 10 years old and older can take part in the treatments we offer. We want our young ones to recover from injuries and keep their bodies functioning at their best! The only treatment that they may not get the full experience with is the cryotherapy. This is because the minimum height that the platform raises up to is for those 5’2”. However, we can make adjustments to allow them to have the most out of the treatments. We only require that a parent/guardian completes a waiver for any minors.

What do I need to do to prepare for any treatments?

Nothing! No need to shower, no need to bring specific clothing, come as you are. If you plan to do the Hyperbaric Oxygen Therapy Chamber (HBOT), we ask that you do not have any symptoms of being ill with a cold, flu, etc. The treatment will intensify the sickness by oxygenating the blood cells.

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Do I have to have an appointment?

No, we always allow walk-ins to use any available treatment room at that time. If you want to book an appointment, you can do so online on our website or call the shop to make one.

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Do I have to be a member?

No. We do have memberships that give you the best bang for your buck. However, we also have single session and 5 and 10 session packages for purchase.

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Do you give any discounts?

Why yes we do! We always offer discounts for first responders (fire, police, EMT, medical). We also have Specials of the Month that offer discounts to certain professions. (IE: Educators, Military, Restaurant Workers, Coaches, etc). We have a referral program where if you refer someone new to us, we give you and them a discount on a session. Look for discounts offered on local school district discount cards that we sponsor. We seasonally add in random specials such as Frozen Fridays. Follow us on Instagram and Facebook to keep up on current offers.

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Can I purchase a gift card?

Of course! We have gift certificates in the shop that you can buy for flat dollar amounts or packages for someone special.

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Can I do any of your treatments with a friend?

Yes! Our salt therapy sauna fits 2 people in it so you can bring a friend. Don’t worry, we wont make any join you unless you invite them! Our compressions room does have 2 chairs that allow for individual appointments.

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Can I share my packages or membership with someone?

We promise you won't want to. You will want all the sessions you purchase for yourself because there is so much to choose from based upon your wants and your body’s needs. Packages and Memberships are to be individually assigned to clients. We do have deals such as a Household Platinum Membership that is 1/3rd of the price of a Platinum Membership if someone in your household already has an active Platinum one though!

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How can I book treatments with your Esthetician?

Herban Skin Renewal is our in-house Esthetician services. You can book treatments with the owner, Lori, through their website: www.herbanskinrenewal.com

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Can I do multiple areas of body compressions at the same time?

Sure! As long as the 2nd chair in the compressions room is not reserved or in use, you can do arms and legs or arms and hips simultaneously in one 30 minute session.


But I’m scared to do cryotherapy!

If you can jump into the bay water or get sprayed by your hose, you can absolutely endure the coldness of the cryo. Yes, its cold but its bare-able and I promise you will leave feeling like a million bucks afterwards. We provide you with crocs to protect your feet and gloves to protect your hands. During the session, your head is outside of the top of the unit. This means your hands, feet, and head are not exposed to the cold which makes your brain think you are not as cold as you are when really your skin is at 44° in a -250° chamber. The unit plays music and gives you screens to look at videos and watch your progress so three minutes fly by. Eventually, you’ll be craving cryo sessions.

Dry Float

Will I get wet doing the Dry Float?

Not at all! You will sink into a large tub of warm water but you will stay dry the entire session.

Hyperbaric Oxygen Therapy Chamber (HBOT)

Can I do the HBOT if I am claustrophobic?

Our HBOT is quite large. It’s large enough to fit someone 6’5”. You can even bring your phone, computer, or a book with you to enjoy during the 60 minute session. There is a light you can control inside the chamber. You also can see the screen to see the progress of your session. The chamber has air conditioning where you control the temperature during your session. If needed, there is an emergency valve that allows for you to quickly depressurize the chamber to be able to exit it. You are more than welcome to come in and get into the chamber and close the window to it to determine if its something you are able to experience. We are able to help you work your way up to being comfortable and to enjoy your experience.

What is it like in the HBOT chamber?

To prepare for HBOT, we ask that you do not have any symptoms of being ill with a cold, flu, etc. The treatment will intensify the sickness by oxygenating the blood cells. If you have an existing disease or condition, check with your medical professional prior to doing the HBOT. Remember, we are not medical professionals. But with your physician's guidance or permission, we are able to help you heal. The experience is very similar to being on an airplane but being able to comfortably lay down. You will be laying down on a comfortable pillow on a cushioned mat. The interior of the chamber is insulated and has lighting and air conditioning which you control. There is a large window that is 24’ by 36’ that opens up for you to get in/out of the chamber but also to see through during your session. With the pressurization of the unit, you will want to regulate your ears by swallowing or yawning just like you would on an airplane. You will experience this for 60 minutes. During the session, you may read a book, be on your phone/kindle/ipad, or even nap. When your session is completed, you will not feel anything immediately. You will need to drink lots of water to stay hydrated. That evening you may feel a bit tired just like you would if you were outside all day getting in lots of fresh air.

Infrared Light Therapy Pod

Is this like a tanning bed?

Yes and no. The experience is similar to a tanning bed where you are laying down in a pod and its warm. However, this is WAY safer then a tanning bed. The infrared lights are good for your skin versus the UV bulbs in a tanning bed.

Does my face get the red light therapy?

Unfortunately, no. This specific pod focuses on the body. Our ContourPod offers 855 LED lights which is the most in any thermal pod. Since facial red light therapy is very intricate and specific to your facial skin versus universal like our pod, its suggested you treat the face and body separately. However, we do have an in-house Esthetician with Herban Skin Renewal who you can make an appointment with for your face’s needs.

Salt Therapy Sauna

Will I get covered in salt after being in the sauna?

Not at all! The only reminisce of the salt you may experience is a dusting of it on your phone screen if you bring it in the sauna with you and you may taste a bit of salt if you lick your lips.

(360) 890 - 6451
